Thursday, February 11, 2010

Waking Up in the Land of Glitter by Kathy Cano-Murillo

This is a Crafty Chica novel published by Grand Central.

It was an interesting read. The author puts three very different women together and works her magic with them. They all have goals, but none of them are the same. And they have an interest in crafts, too. Or at least some of them do...

They each weather their own personal crisis, get a bit testy with each other, and try to get focused on what works best for them. They also end up developing a more enduring friendship in the process.

It reads easy and fast. The characters are enjoyable and will remind you of some of your friends, I bet.

Sometimes friendship is like a spider web, and you have to be careful not to fall through the openings. These characters didn't, despite their troubles.

If you'd like my copy of this ARC, please leave a comment here on the blog, and email me at info @ (with the spaces removed) telling me why you'd like it and giving me your name and address for shipping. I'll pick a winner in about a week.


Anonymous said...

I would love to get this book to read, because I'm familiar with Cano-Murillo's land of glitter firsthand. I'm broke and can't wait for it to get to the library to enjoy the beginnning of her career as a novelist. Then I will give it away, and the next person will read it and give it away, until she's as famous as can be.

Jude said...

I am an avid reqder and when not reading love my crafts, this book looks very interesting to me. Jude

Journey of a Bookseller said...

Don't forget to send me an email, too!

Brenda said...

Kathy has a way of making you feel as if you have known her all of your life. I have been reading her blogs for a year and it's as if I was having a conversation with one of my sisters. I can only imagine the characters that she has created in her novel, as she seems to be a real life character herself. She seems like a person who is always making lemonade out of the lemons life has dealt her. Because of Kathy, I have begun creating things and feeling good about myself in the process. She is like a crafty Dr Phil. I would love to be the proud owner of "Waking Up in the Land of Glitter". Kathy has said that everyone is capable of writing a novel. Maybe someday I will take that challange as well. If that day does come, I promise I will send you a copy of my first novel for you to review and to sell in your store as well. Love and Respect, Brenda

raiznhail said...

Hi Jo Ann, I have been reading Kathy's blogs for a year now. She seems like such a character, I can only imagine the characters that she has created. In the past year, from reading her blogs, Kathy has inspired me to create. In the process it has made me feel good about myself.She is like the Dr. Phil of crafts. Kathy is saying that there is a book in everyone and that is giving me the courage to expand my horizions even further. I would love to be the proud owner of "Waking Up in the Land of Glitter". Some day when my first book gets published I would love to send you a copy to review. Maybe in turn, you will do a book give away with mine as well. Love and Respect, Brenda (

Andrine said...

Hi! I have been following Kathy's crafting and when she posted that her novel was being released I thought wow what a creative spirit. My next thought was hey maybe I'm multi-talented too. I can't wait too read this and her next one. She is so inspirational!

Sunny said...

I've followed the Crafty Chica for many years now and will openly admit that she is the reason I have a craft room full of beautiful glitter!! It's an addiction I tell you! LOL

I'm in the same boat as Julia...No money to purchase a book right now but would love to read it and pass it on! I'll tell you what...if I win the book, I'll send it to Julia after I read it!! Maybe she would send it to me should she be the lucky winner???

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