Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Little Giant of Aberdeen County by Tiffany Baker

This was an interesting novel. I generally get a sense of where the story is going in a book, but this one stumped me.

It starts with a doctor who marries a witch and his family begins the tradition of Robert Morgans becoming doctors and serving the same small community the original Rober setted in.

Then it moves to a family the current Robert Morgan is caring for and the story of the giant baby born there. The mother dies. The two daughters are dramatically different. Then their father dies and they are orphans...

The older daughter is very pretty and taken into a very nice family with all kinds of opportunities for her life.

The younger one, the one called little giant by her school teacher, doesn't have the same luck. She goes to a downtrodden family that has a strange little girl of her own, and learns to work on the farm.

The present doctor Morgan ends up marrying her pretty sister. But at the end, she's the one who's living with him and taking care of him.

And you'll be amazed at how it ends.

If you'd like my copy of this book, please leave a comment here on the blog and send me an email telling me why at

1 comment:

gautami tripathy said...

I have trying to get hold of this book. As yet unavailable in Insdia!

I sent you an email.

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