Friday, January 1, 2016

Ladle to the Grave (Soup Lover's Mystery #4) by Connie Archer

She owns By the Spoonful in downtown Snowflake, Vermont.  She has a good staff, a good business and she's getting over the loss of her parents.  Everything is going so well until the murder...

The author and Goddess Fish Blog shared this story with me for review (thank you).  It has been published, so you can grab a copy now.  This is the fourth in the series, so you might want to look at the earlier books too.

Lucky felt bad for the woman that died but it was thought to be a natural death since she had a bad heart.  When it turns out there was something toxic in the mulled wines, Lucky's grandfather, Jack, comes under suspicion.  He was the one that gathered the herbs.  He's sure he didn't pick anything he shouldn't, but his sight is going.  Maybe he did it and didn't realize it?  Lucky is trying hard to convince him it wasn't his doing, but he's not buying it.

Then her employee, Sophie finds another dead body!  Sophie is preparing to get married and wanted to show Lucky the house she hopes to rehab.  When they leave, she goes down to the creek to wash her hands and finds a man floating in the creek.  At first, it appears it might be her long lost brother but that's not the case.  However, when the brother returns, he's not friendly and won't discuss things with her.  What's going on?

This is a twisted tale of bad people and good and it takes some work to untangle it.  Lucky helps the case along with discoveries she makes along the way.  It keeps you going as you read along.

Connie will be awarding a $20 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

Follow the tour and comment; the more you comment, the better your chances of winning. The tour dates can be found here.

Happy reading and good luck. 


Audrey Stewart said...

This a must on my TBR. From what I've read in the review, I can't wait to find out who is responsible for the dead bodies.

Unknown said...

Hi Misty - Ladle to the Grave is a somewhat complicated plot and the mysteries deeply affect Jack, Lucky's wonderful grandfather, and her best friend Sophie too. It's particularly hard on Sophie because she's so vulnerable right now, she's planning her wedding and looking forward to her new life. More than anything, Lucky wants everything to go well for the people she loves. I do hope you're able to meet everyone in the village soon!

Unknown said...

Thank you for hosting me today, Book Faerie! And thanks to Goddess Fish too! Happy New Year everyone!

DMS said...

This sounds like a great book. Awesome to learn about it. Wishing Connie the best of luck! :)


Unknown said...

Thank you, Jess. Best of luck in the giveaway and thanks for stopping by today?

Unknown said...

Congratulations on the release! I browsed through the rest of the series and it looks like a good one. Thank you for sharing!

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