Thursday, July 21, 2011

Finding Kate Huntley by Theresa Ragan

A strange noise rouses Kate from her slumber and she freaks out to see her father being attacked on deck of the sloop.  His last words to her were:  "Trust no one."  She takes his words to heart...

I'm part of Menage a Blog and chose this book as one I would read for the event.  You can purchase a copy of it on Amazon or Smashwords.

Kate is living in Haiti as a rough, tough, almost ragamuffin free spirit who has "friends" but is independent and has no connections with anyone.  So when a good looking young man comes looking for her, she knows it means danger.  And she believes that totally, despite anything he has to say.  
When things happen and they are suddenly trying to kill them both, Jack begins to understand she may have a point.

This is a fast paced story full of danger with a detailed conspiracy based on greed and the love of money.  Who dies along the way doesn't matter as long as the protagonists have the life style they want with money to spend as they wish.

This was a very good read, not the least bit boring.  If you'd like to find out what happened to Kate's father and how things end up for her, buy yourself a copy of this ebook or here's an even better way:

Leave a comment here on my blog with your email included and you will win a free copy of this ebook.  What could be easier?

Happy reading! 


Bonnie said...

I'm looking forward to reading this book. It sounds like something good when I'm in the mood for action and thrills!

"I found Kate Huntley"
bookishardour [at] gmail [dot] com

pattywack said...

Oh this sounds like a good book that I could not put down. Hugs, Patsy

Eden Baylee said...

I found Kate Huntley !


Anonymous said...

I Found Kate Huntley :)

Thanks for participating!


loves to dive said...

Hi, I already own the book but thought I drop by and give you some love and get entered to win the survival kit. "I found Kate Huntely"
lvs2dv at gmail dot com

In Julie's Opinion said...

I searched and searched, and I found Kate Huntley!!
jwitt33 at live dot com

poisnivyred said...

I found Kate Huntley

Looking forward to reading this!

tweezle said...

Fast paced and full of danger. Sounds like my kind of book! Great review :)

I found Kate Huntley

Anonymous said...

After reading your short description of your book, I cannot wait to dig my teeth into it (not literally of course! ha) Thank you for my free copy of your book and good luck on the rest of the tour!

Laura said...

"I found Kate Huntley"

Great review!

Laura G.

Jennifer Mathis said...

great review :)
I found Kate Huntley

Judy said...

"I found Kate Huntley"

Your review makes this book sound very readable. I love suspense novels with Romance, of course.


Anne said...

It will be interesting to read why/how Kate ended up in Haiti.

I found Kate Huntley.

rhonda1111 said...

"I found Kate Huntley" thanks great contest.

Anonymous said...

"I found Kate Huntley"!!
Great giveaway! I can't wait to start reading it!

Caroline said...

I read this book last month. It had me from page one!

I Found Kate Huntly)

photogal3 at

Pinky said...

Hi there,

I just stopped by to say that "I found Kate Huntley"!

Thanks for the great review, I can't wait to read the book.


Anonymous said...

"I found Kate Huntley"

sagemoon_cottage at yahoo dot com

~ Babs ~ said...

I found Kate Huntley

Bhitwr at gmail dot com

The Romanceaholic said...

I really can't wait to read this after all the awesome reviews :D Thanks for giving us a chance to win!

I found Kate Huntley

romanceaholic at gmail dot com

Denise Z said...

Thank you for participating in this fun Menage A Blog tour event. I love your blog and concept and have signed up to follow and am looking forward to reading more of what you have to share.

I am so glad I Found Kate Huntley :)


Theresa Ragan said...

Hi everyone.

Thank you Jo Ann for taking the time to review Finding Kate Huntley. It looks like everyone is finding her over here. That's great.

Wonderful review.

Anonymous said...

I found Kate Huntley!!! And I would love to win the survival kit!
Thanks so much! :)

Unknown said...

Im looking forward to reading this one!! I found Kate Huntley!!
viajeradelmar at aol dot com

Toni said...

"I found Kate Huntley"

This sounds like such a great book!


_yay_ said...

Can't wait to read this book. Getting more and more excited by the second haha.
"I found Kate Huntley"

Bookwyrm369 said...

I found Kate Huntley. Sounds like a great book :-)

smaccall AT

Unknown said...

:) This sounds very interesting:)

I found Kate Huntley

earthsbooknook at gmail dot com

Esther Jno-Charles said...

Yes. I would love to get a copy of the book by Theresa Ragan. I am glad I found Kate Huntley. contact me :

Vicki Keire said...

Awesome review! Thanks for hosting!
I found Kate Huntley!
vickikeire (at) gmail (dot) com

As I Lay Bleeding said...

I found Kate Huntley!!!

nedsped at verizon dot net

mksebook said...

"I found Kate Huntley"
Can't wait to read! Great review!

missyebookmail AT mediacombb DOT net

cidney swanson said...

I found Kate Huntley!

The Scarf Princess said...

"I found Kate Huntley" I love the sound of this book and hope to read it soon.

joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com

LizzieBeth said...

I found Kate Huntley!

Lovely review. Looking forward to a good read.

Karen Michelle Nutt said...

"I found Kate Huntley"

Fast paced and full of danger. This sounds like my kind of book!

Debbie said...

I Found Kate Huntley! I can't wait to read this one. If its anything like others Theresa has written it has to be good!

Debbie K

Anonymous said...

"I found Kate Huntley"
marajbrandon AT earthlink DOT net

Anonymous said...

I found Kate Huntley! Thank you for such an insightful review. Can't wait to read this book..


Vanyel Kane said...

Wonderful story outline. I hope to enjoy the story soon.

"I found Kate Huntley"

Linda: Book Ninja said...

I found Kate Huntley.

I can't wait to get my copy since all the reviews have been great.
Lindadao2060 at yahoo dot com

Robin said...

The story looks interesting! I found Kate Huntley!

Robin D
robindpdx (at) yahoo (dot) com

Anonymous said...

i found kate huntley. goodluck joannie my email is

Teresa K. said...

Wow you even gave me more insight on this book. It sounds like such a good read. And hopefully soon I can say "I found Kate Huntley".

Teresa K.

lilyk said...

I found Kate Huntley!

SusanB said...

This sounds like a great book! Can't wait to read it.

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