Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Secrets to the Grave by Tami Hoag

"My daddy hurt my mommy..."

Dutton sent me an ARC of this book for review (thank you).  Tami Hoag has written 30 novels and manages to keep each new one as fresh and exciting as her first books were.  This book was published at the end of December, so you can find a copy at your local bookstore right now.

Vince Leon is an older cop who has recently married the love of his life.  He almost lost Anne at one point in his last big case and he's very protective of her.  Anne has a degree in child psychology and the victim's daughter has no one to else to care for her, so it was a natural thing for his wife and the girl to bond.  No one understood at the time how dangerous that was...

This book is full of action and psychological suspense.  Almost all the characters are damaged in some way.  Mental problems abound, family secrets are protected, and the poor little almost strangled four year old is the only witness.  The problem is that she identified the killer as her daddy.  She has no daddy and she calls all her mother's male friends "daddy".

While the police search for the killer and follow almost non-existent clues, Anne is having challenges herself with the little one who wakes at night screaming.

The plot is well thought out, the action never stops, and there is more than one killer in the story.  It'll keep you up at night reading to see how it ends.

Visit your local bookstore and pick up a copy.  If you haven't read Tami Hoag before, you'll find yourself buying more of her books after you read this one!

If you would like to win my ARC, leave a comment here on the blog and send me an email at info @ bookfaerie.com (take the spaces out) with your name and ADDRESS and tell me why you'd like to win it.  I'll pick a winner in about a week.


kaccat said...

OOOh - OOOOh - Me!! ME!!

I love Tami Hoag's writing and have several of her books but hadn't heard of this one. Would LOVE to have it! Can you tell?? LOL

SusanB said...

This is down my alley. Have not read any of Hoag's writing but I am going to put her on my TBR list. Thanks for the review.

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